Healthy Landscape Healthy People Symposium

May, 2017

In May 2017, Prof. Sullivan and his PhD student, Fatemeh, visited NTU to give lectures, discuss the future collaboration and have conference and symposium.

In the Healthy Landscape Healthy People Symposium, we also invited Dr. Sinae Park from Konkuk University to share her research works. Members from Prof. Chang’s Lab and Prof. Sullivan shared their ideas as well.

During the symposium, we had a demonstration of biofeedback instrument which Prof. Chang used a lot. With the instrument, we can measure the physiological response of participants in different environments or while viewing different landscape images.


Landscape, Health & Healing an International Symposium

July, 2017

In the summer of 2017, we visited several facilities operating horticultural therapy in the United State and ended up the trip with a Symposium at UIUC.

There were friends from National Taiwan Normal University, Feng Chia University, and Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station together sharing their studies related to horticultural therapy and landscape and human health. We had several presentation and some discussion sessions.  


Labs Meeting

Lab of Prof. Chang, Healthy landscape Healthy People Laboratory, shares good relationship with Prof. Ou, Department of Horticulture at National Chung Hsing University, and we kept the meeting after Prof. Ou teaching in ChaoYang University as well. The Lab Meeting started from 2011 , and we had Prof. Sullivan join us in recent years.


June, 2015 



July, 2016